Reservoir Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists use meaningful activities and evidence based interventions to help children and youth participate in what they need and/or want to do in order to promote health and well-being. They address the physical, cognitive, psychosocial and sensory components of performance. Occupational therapy’s expertise includes activity and environmental analysis and modification with the goal of reducing barriers to participation at home, school or during play.
Occupational Therapists Help With:
Gross Motor Skills:
postural and core strength, balance, and bilateral motor skills
Sensory Processing:
Organization of the 8 senses (vestibular, proprioceptive, visual, hearing, tactile, olfactory, taste, interoception) from one’s body and environment to efficiently participate in one’s environment.
Fine Motor Skills:
hand strength, dexterity, finger isolation, hand development and bilateral integration
Visual perception:
visual discrimination, visual memory, visual closure, form constancy, and figure ground
Visual Motor Integration:
handwriting, tool use, keyboarding
Executive Function:
planning, organization, initiation of tasks, time management, shifting attention, termination of tasks, self-monitoring and/or self-regulation.
Ocular motor skills:
scanning, tracking, convergence, saccades, and eye focus
Additional Occupational Therapy Services
Did you know?
The human body actually has 8 senses! The vestibular, proprioceptive, and interoceptive systems round out the classic five: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch!