Reservoir Psychology & Wellness

Psycho-educational Evaluations

Are you concerned about your child’s progress in school? Unsure if they might have a learning difference, or if there is something else going on? A comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation can highlight their strengths and weaknesses, identify any diagnoses, and provide recommendations on how to move forward.

  • Conducted by licensed, clinical psychologists

  • Available for children, adolescents, and adults

  • Explore a range of skills, including executive functioning, attention and concentration, learning and memory, visual-motor integration, as well as social-emotional and behavioral functioning.

  • Recommendations include academic accommodations and interventions that apply to both public and independent schools, as well as with Individualized Education Programs (IEP)

  • Comprehensive informing session at the conclusion of testing ensures that parents understand findings and diagnoses, and how report can best support their child

  • What Is Evaluated?

    A typical psychoeducational evaluation at Reservoir will involve assessment of the following:

    • General cognitive functioning

    • Academic achievement in reading, written expression, and mathematics

    • Attention and concentration

    • Learning and memory

    • Expressive and Receptive Language

    • Visual–spatial skills and visual-motor functioning

    • Executive Functioning and reasoning skills

    • Social and Emotional Functioning

  • What will the assessment do for me or my child?

    Our psychoeducational evaluation will provide you with a comprehensive analysis that facilitates optimized learning and academic success.

    • The report can be used to determine appropriate educational placements, accommodations, remediation, strategies for academic success, as well as support with educational or professional planning.

    • Our clearly outlined and informed findings will result in productive interventions or services that best support the needs of the individual.

    • Appropriate referrals with respected and experienced practitioners in the DC area when necessary.

  • What to Expect

    Our psychoeducational evaluation is conducted by one of our licensed clinical psychologists and the process includes:

    • Initial intake meeting with family members.

    • Testing over two separate days for approximately 4-5 hours each day.

    • Interpretive meeting to go over the results of the testing, discuss diagnostic impressions, and provide recommendations to support the individual’s learning and overall experience in school.

    • Detailed and tailored report with a clear summary and set of recommendations that can be shared with family, schools, physicians, lawyers, other treatment providers, as well as for IEP planning purposes.

Admissions Testing

  • Conducted by licensed, clinical psychologists

  • Available for students who are required to take an individually administered cognitive test as a part of the independent school application process

  • Assessments commonly used: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V) for children 6 and older; Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence, Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV) for children younger than 6.

Additional Reservoir Psychology & Wellness Services